Health Related Topics - Poultry
Mareks Disease in Chickens
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Marek's disease (MD or fowl paralysis) is a very common disease of chickens caused by a herpes virus. Marek's disease affects both commercial and backyard poultry and may result in death or severe production loss. The disease causes changes in many of the nerves and may cause tumours in major internal organs. Chickens are the main species affected. The disease occurs rarely in some other types of birds. Clinical Signs Young birds are most susceptible to infection. Most deaths from Marek's disease occur between 8 and 20 weeks of age, although in some cases the disease may be seen in...
Ivomectin Use for Poultry and Worm Burden
Posted by Susan Lenz on
I will preface this article by saying although I am not a veterinarian, I have done some research and consulted trained veterinarians before writing this piece along with being a rare breed poultry breeder for over 25 years. Feel free to do your own research to make your own executive choices on this controversial subject. Many customers come in asking for Ivermectin as they have been advised to use this product by a friend, relative or poultry breeder. What many do not understand is that the product is not labelled for poultry use and therefore not researched as to the...
Worms and Your Poultry
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Many of our customers are unaware of the importance of worming their poultry. Many people insist on not worming at all, and need to be aware that not worming for long duration of time can cause major health issues with their birds, and fatalities. If you are eating the eggs produced, it is just as important for YOUR health as it is your chickens! Many customers are surprised to hear that intestinal parasites are picked up by your chickens eating earthworms, bugs and grubs and also transmitted through wild birds visiting your coop and eating and drinking from your chicken...