The Incubation and Hatching Files
Caring for Day Old Chicks
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Taking Care of your Day Old Chicks Getting Started Checklist: A brooder box - this needs to be set up and ready to bring your new pets home Poultry Heat pad (we stock two brands in various sizes) or brooder lamp A chick suitable drinker (this is most important as young chicks often drown in the smallest lids of water or containers that they can fall into) A chick feeder Chick Starter Crumble Litter for the base of your brooder box (we recommend hemp bedding) You can make a brooder box from just about any storage tub or wooden box...
Fertile Eggs + Egg Hatchability Problems
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Fertile Eggs - Chicken Egg Hatchability Problems There are a number of problems that can arise for the hatch ability of eggs. They are generally in the following categories: problems within hatchery or property of parent birds handling of the eggs breeder flock Identifying these problems is essential to ensure a more successful outcome in future and requires all information from the above categories to determine the issue at hand. Detailed records are essential - every piece of information that can be obtained will help you locate and resolve any hatching issues. The biggest issue I find is people attempting...
Brinsea Instructional Videos and Register Your New Product Links
Posted by Susan Lenz on
CLICK HERE to register your new Brinsea Product VIDEOS: Which Incubator is Right for Me? LOOK WHATS NEW! The New Maxi 24 Advance and EX models A Guide to Humidity in Incubation Thermometers and Incubators MINI + MAXI INCUBATOR VIDEOS Brinsea Mini Eco II Brinsea Mini Advance Digital Display on Mini Advance Assembly of Brinsea Semi Auto Turning Kit on Mini and Maxi Incubators Maxi II Eco Maxi II Advance NEW! MAXI 24 EX Cleaning and Changing the fan in Maxi II Setting up and replacing the Humidity Pump Tubing on Mini, Maxi and Ovation EX Models OVATION INCUBATOR VIDEOS Setting...