Thinking about some new chickens?
So... You're thinking about some new chickens?
Posted by Susan Lenz on

So, you are thinking of some new pet chickens? There is an amazing variety of chickens available in Australia, with over 50 recognised breeds. Once you add in standard or bantam, and hundreds of colour combinations the choices are endless. Generally speaking, chickens are categorised into two size groups: Standard (‘normal’ or ‘large’) and bantam (smaller). Bantam chickens can be ½ to 1/3 the size of standard chickens. We make no specific ‘across the board’ recommendation as to whether chicken keepers in general should have only bantams or standards in your backyard. There are a lot of factors which influence...
Checklist of Supplies required for New Chicken Owners
Posted by Susan Lenz on
Lots of our customers are newbies and just starting out with chickens and we love to welcome our customers in to our store and run through all our products and love to show you the differences between the products we stock. This list has been constructed for our customers that are purchasing Hylines from our store. However, this list is easily adapted for other customers wishing to purchase supplies for other types of poultry and need some help and guidance. Other breeds may require different feed requirements than what is recommended in this list - please ask our staff...
Are Hylines (Isa Browns) for you?
Posted by Susan Lenz on

"Are Hylines right for me?" Hylines are an incredibly popular chicken choice, and that is mainly because they are the producers of the big brown eggs that you buy on supermarket shelves. Although they have an excellent reputation for egg laying, 95% will meet this reputation, 4% will be mediocre layers and 1% complete dud layers. We are referring to an animal with has natural variances, not a machine (which honestly, I think some people forget sometimes). Please be aware that the name ISA Brown (what HYLINES are often referred to) is actually a brand, much the same as Toyota...
What Should I Feed My Chickens?
Posted by Susan Lenz on

What should I feed my chickens? Feeding your chickens the correct types/stages of food is important to provide them with a balanced diet, and is easiest given in commercially sold forms (pellet, mixed grain or both). It is always a good idea to ask the seller what kind/brand of food the birds have been eating, so you can continue to feed them the same type. Introduce new foods to old food gradually, over a few days as some chickens can get sick with sudden diet changes. We stock a large range of different feeds that suit different breeds and different...
Feeding Guide for Poultry
Posted by Susan Lenz on

I recently had a conversation with a family member that shocked me totally, they were very much animal people but did not know that rhubarb is highly poisonous to animals! I honestly thought that EVERYONE knew that rhubarb leaves were highly poisonous! so that conversation has led me to think about what else is toxic and others may not know about.... so, I have put together this little list of things that you should not feed your chickens. Hope its a good reference and that perhaps there may be something on this list that you didnt know: NO AVOCADO -...