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A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis
A Guide to Basic Health and Disease in Birds Book
A Guide to Black Cockatoos as Pet and Aviary Birds
A Guide to Grey Parrots as Pet and Aviary Birds
A Guide to Incubation and Handraising Parrots
A Guide to Lories and Lorikeets (Revised Edition)
A Guide to Neophema and Neopsephotus Genera and their Mutations (Soft Cover)
A Guide to Neophema and Psephotus Grass Parrots (Revised Edition)
A Guide to Pigeons, Doves and Quail
Backyard Birds - by Helen Milroy
Backyard Poultry - Naturally By Alanna Moore
Beautiful Chickens
Birds of Australia by Jeremy Boot
Building Chicken Coops for Dummies
Caiques-Their Care, Breeding and Some Natural History
Canaries - A Complete Pet Owners Manual
Caring for your Lovebird
Chicken and Egg by Janice Cole
Chicken DIY Daniel Johnson and Samantha Johnson
Chicken Fact or Chicken Poop: The Chicken Whisperer's Guide to the facts and fictions you need to know to keep your flock healthy and happy (The Chicken Whisperer's Guides)
Chicken Health Handbook 2nd Edition
Chickens - The Essential Guide by Suzie Baldwin
Chickens a step by step guide
Chickens in Your Backyard A Beginner's Guide by Gail Damerow and Rick Luttmann