A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis

A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis

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Kevin Wilson
88 Pages
ISBN: 978 0958745536

A Guide to Australian Long and Broadtailed Parrots and NZ Kakarikis

This full colour 88-page title features beautiful photography throughout. Each of the 12 species is featured in its own chapter and includes a distribution map and general information specific to that species 

General Management
    Managing Disease and Injury
Caring for New Arrivals
    How Old Are Your Birds?
Diet and Nutrition
    Nutritional Requirements of Young Birds
    Pelleted Diets
    Dietary Components
    Vitamins and Minerals at a Glance
Failure to Breed
    The Need for Heat and Humidity
    Feeding Formulas
    How Much?
    How Often?
    Keeping the Food Warm
    Utensils for Feeding

Crimson-winged Parrot 
Princess Parrot
Regent Parrot
Superb Parrot
King Parrot
Red-capped Parrot
Mallee Ringnecked Parrot
Cloncurry Parrot
Port Lincoln Parrot
Twenty-eight Parrot 
Red-fronted Kakariki
Yellow-fronted Kakariki